Hair Treatment


 "It's up to you to stop the hair loss.”

Caused by a hormonal imbalance or because of genetic predisposition, vitamin deficiency, anemia, or due to negative external physical conditions men and women have hair loss. Even some perscription medication can cause hair loss. 98% of men suffer from andro-genetic alopecia.

PRP (Platelet-Enriched Plasma) Treatment

The P.R.P. (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy) hair therapy serves to strengthen hair that is weak and in danger of falling out. First, 10 ml of venous blood of the patient is taken (the Hungarian equivalent to as much as 1/10 a glass of tea). The blood is then put in a centrifuge to seperate the red and white blood cells. Following a specific methodology, the red blood cells are then injected into the area of the weak hair roots.

Hair Mesotherapy

The Paris hair mesotherapy technique helps to stop the hair loss in men and women and the quality of existing hair becomes stronger than ever. A special mesotherapy needle is used to apply a mixture that consists of protein, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. This specially prepared mixture is injected by a dermatology specialist in small doses with suitable needles into the skin. The injection technique plays a large role. Instantly the solution reaches the desired skin capillaries and it begins to work. The superiority of this method over other therapies is due to the regional use of small doses. There are no known risks or side effects.

Hair Transplantation

"Do not waste time worrying about your losses, please remember that you can win"

In hair transplantation hair follicles are used from the healthy range (between the ears and above the neck). The donor area is resistant to the hormone responsible for hair loss. The harvested follicles are then embedded in the bald area that accounts for more than 50% hair loss.

Today the transplant performed with the FUE-Method.

This method is preferred by patients because there is no need for a surgery. With the FUE-method each hair is individually removed and transplanted. Attention is paid to the angle of each hair, so the result looks natural.

Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrows play an important role in the appearance of our face and in making a first impression. Injures, such as burns or post-operative scars may result in a loss of eyebrows. This can be corrected with a minor transplantation. After a transplantion from the neck area using the Fue method your eyebrows will look tighter.

Beard Restoration

The hair follicles on the upper lip may have been destroyed due to injuries, burns or surgery for other reasons. Here we can use the FUE method for transplantation to attain a regular beard.

Moustache Restoration

A mustache-restoration can be performed under local anesthesia with the FUE technique. Mustache growth might be reduced because of injury. This problem can easily be solved within a few hours with a painless transplantation.

Our Results

our patients results for Hair Transplant Operations and success stories for patients who have trusted us

Contact Us

Adress : Haseki Sultan Mah. Bakibey Sok.
No:27 Kapi No:3

Gsm : +90 544 100 02 00
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